Domain Experience Secrets, The mentor who gave me the $100,000,000 secret, Why we should master selling today.

Today at a Glance

  • How to create domain experience around something you want to build for 20 years
  • The wise words of how relationships will get you to $100,000,000
  • Mater Selling today.

Do things that don't scale..... 🧐

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Domain Experience for the next 20 years

What do I mean by this headline from Brian Chesky's ( founder of Airbnb) great advice? Your first go-around should be about creating the best experience for what's in front of you. Scaling is not important. When I started my medical device company, it was not scalable at all. All I focused on was serving a hospital or surgeon with the best experience possible and mastering that methodology.

Stop chasing the dollar and start pursuing passion! Far too many of us are quick to chase financial gain, neglecting the true essence of our desires. It's like placing the cart before the horse. Misplaced priorities eventually shine through, making it evident to others that all we care about is the numbers. However, the art of creating an unforgettable experience should be what drives us. We need to distill our focus, locking onto the 'why' behind our actions. It's only when we dedicate ourselves to excellence and let passion lead the way that we truly begin to shine.

If you know how to love creating an excellent experience, you now choose how to hone into that for the next 20 years to build something special. I started in service businesses and learned to get customers to say yes to me by creating an incredible experience to work with me.

Obsess with:

  • Making it easy to work with you
  • Bringing contagious energy that is highly desirable
  • Build a system to make your life easier.

Get your Yes

Now I want to buy businesses to deliver these same experiences at scale. Entrepreneurship is about 3 things:

  1. Pivoting your mindset to know what's possible
  2. Enduring things for a very long time
  3. Increasing skill sets and character traits will make you more successful.

When you start falling in love with the experience of doing something, you will be able to endure the downside when things go bad. The TikTok ad you see on how to arbitrage Airbnb's has a high likelihood that those are quick ways to make a buck that end up being a distraction.

  1. The traits of the best entrepreneurs I have ever seen who become excellent at something come down to knowing they will be happy doing this for the next 20 years and being ecstatic about it. Today, it's become so much more complicated with the ability to see many different opportunities through media.

Wise words from an Entrepreneur to get you to $100,000,000

We have one goal to get here:

"You're looking to hire people 10x better than you to continue to lever up the things needed in the company to grow."

Imagine you had a bank account that had endless cash; you would be able to recruit and hire the best talent to make your life easier. There are a couple of ways to get there without having to have this liquidity.

  1. Cast awesome vision for amazing people to get behind.
  2. Give equity to the right people you want to grow with.
  3. You will need people to be the glue to get the Fab 5.

Fab 5 U- Mich

I'm building a holding company to generate $100,000,000 in revenue.

I hired a CEO for my ​Holding Company​ someone I felt had skill sets that I didn't have and can help get me closer to $100,000,000

The goal for me is simple: I want to shorten the distance between me and $100,000,000 portfolio of companies.

  • Buy things that can move large magnitude
  • Couple that with excellent people to help that process run smoothly

Increasing Skill Sets

If you are reading this, you're sophisticated enough to realize you are consistently working on skill sets to enhance income and freedom.


Being on social media can be a curse. You get distracted by understanding what it takes to create a business that does 1, 2, or even 3 million dollars, as there's a facade on how easy it is to create this $100,000 a month ad agency I always talk about.

Increase your skill set to teach other people what you want to outsource.

We always hear

" Do the reps."

" Stick it for 10 years."

But why?

It's so you can leverage your skills to reach the top of the pyramid.

You want to be the decision-maker with the skills you have acquired.

You want to deals to go through you based on your skills

You want to know your skills have put you in rooms because you drive value.

Increase your skills, my friend.

P.S. There are 2 ways I can help you 🔑🚀

  • I invest and buy businesses that I find attractive. If you do have one please email me and I will be happy to discuss.
  • We buy cash flowing companies and raise capital from investors to build and scale these. If you're interested in learning more fill this out.