Hi, I'm Sam Mahmood

The first five seconds of any story is do or die.

The fact: We are increasingly becoming more distracted.

Microsoft did a study in 2015 monitoring electrical brain activity of 2,000 participants showing attention span has dropped from 12 seconds to 8.
You have to grab attention 30% faster today.

I spent majority of my career pitching sophisticated surgeons to use my medical devices who later became investors in my Holding Company.

Today I put a massive emphasis on how to get your message across clearly in under 10 seconds or less.

Doing this builds scale.
Doing this builds systems.
Doing this builds a confidence.

About Me
Founder of S&P Ventures
Investing in Americas Greatest Businesses

About Me

I looked at my first Profit and Loss statement at the age of 12. I earned a hard knocks MBA by working late nights when no one was watching, having invoices go unpaid, and plenty of failures that later turn into some level of success. I've always had a big appetite for challenges, thus at the ripe old age of 25 I founded Surgical Republic, a medical device company that distributes and manufactures brain, spine, and cardiac implants and instruments. Scaling this company wasn't easy, but it lit a fire in me that changed the way I look at what's considered "Hard." I've built, bought, and sold businesses through out my career that led me to start a Holding Company that buys and invest in cash flowing companies. S&P Ventures is a Privately Held Holding Company that invest in small businesses. I run fund called The Pave, that buys paving companies doing between 1-10M of EBITDA. Outside of business I cherish my time with my family, fitness, reading, writing, and I love traveling around the world in the process.


I come from a Middle Eastern background where my parents immigrated to the U.S. in the 1970s to pursue a better life. They left their native countries due to war, driven by the desire to chase the American Dream. Arriving with limited English proficiency and minimal funds, they nonetheless harbored ambitious dreams. Both of my parents managed to establish successful businesses during a time when social media was nonexistent, relying solely on the bedrock of hard work for their achievements.

Health and Wellness

I wake up at 5 am just about every day and jump into a cold plunge, then hit the gym from 5:30 am to 7:00 am in the morning, treating my body like a temple. My famous saying, by which I am known, is “Better Health for Better Wealth.” There’s no point in pursuing your $100 million journey if you end up needing cardiac bypass surgery someday from being stressed out. I end all my evenings with a 20-minute session in the infrared sauna at 140 degrees, coupled with red light therapy. If I'm not working, you'll catch me outside communing with Mother Nature or traveling the world.