Two of the Most Lucrative Industries in 2024 ⬇️ My Entrepreneurship Play Book.

Today at a Glance

  • Two areas I feel have the strongest investment opportunity.
    1. Youth Education
    2. Fertility

If you're as curious as I am on where to place capital or where to build a scalable business to make an impact today you will love this one.

Youth Education

Imagine this, you could go back and be in 6th grade and learn how to create a landing page, how to write copy, how to edit videos


Would you rather learn history, art class, math that you don't use today?

There's a huge arbitrage today that needs to be met. I am beyond passionate about curating this to it's highest level possible.


It's not fair how many people have a mid life crisis at ages 30 ,40, 50.

It's because they have a lack of knowledge.

Anxiety happens from not knowing what to do next.

Entrepreneurship is having a pinnacle moment in 2024:

SBA received the highest amount of business applications ever in 2023.


The floor to failure is so low.

Today, all you need is the following:

➡️ Landing Page
➡️Stripe Account
➡️ A product or service

For $20 a month, you can pursue entrepreneurship.

But here's the actual value:

Whoever can be the lubricate to embed this into youth education will be very rich.

The application to hundreds of jobs out of college is antiquated.

This must change.

I am a firm believer that it all starts at the grass roots.

Entrepreneurship is having a pinnacle moment in 2024:

SBA received the highest amount of business applications ever in 2023.


The floor to failure is so low.

Today, all you need is the following:

➡️ Landing Page
➡️Stripe Account
➡️ A product or service

For $20 a month, you can pursue entrepreneurship.

Why do they not teach this to the youth?

Imagine if Sarah learned how to absolutely crush her lemonade stand and make $10K in a month selling lemonade better that anyone else.

There will be an opportunity here, and this is an area I plan to make large impact in.


Global Fertility has collapsed.

The national fertility rate is down 21% compared to 2012.

Male testosterone is declining and female fertility is getting harder and harder.

People are willing to spend $150,000 at a surrogate center to cremate their child.

This is a cause of supply and demand that will only continue to increase.

We are craving to have children but partners are harder to last in todays society.

Fertility support startups banked $345M in 2021. Here's why the business of family planning is booming

As of 2020, more than 42% of large U.S. employers—those with over 20,000 staff members—offered coverage for IVF treatment, while almost one-fifth (19%) offered egg freezing. Among smaller companies with over 500 employees, about a quarter (27%) offer coverage for IVF treatment.

Companies around hormone generation, increasing the chances of pregnancy, and natural cycling will have tons of venture capital behind it.

Stay Tuned!

Entrepreneurship Blue Print

First off congratulations 🎉 you are in a place of growth. You may be in a place of a gray zone and I hope you lean your shoulder in harder than ever because you will miss this time when in 20 years when you have millions of dollars in your bank account.

What I hope to promise you is clarity after reading this. You reached out for a reason and to show I’m qualified to write this I will give a 30 second blurb about me.

I pursued entrepreneurship at the age 25 Starting a Distribution business around Medical Devices. We did our first $1,000,000 in revenue in 12 months of starting the company for one reason.

I learned what came effortless to me and combined that with leverage.

So let’s do the same for you.

Blue Print:

Today, you have a wealth of experience. You may not know it, but you do. I’m guessing you are at least 24 years olds and potentially in your mid 40’s. That’s a lot of days lived where you can show experience in something.

Step 1: Find what comes effortless to you. You don’t know? Ask your friends and family.

Step 2: List the effortless traits in a journal. Examples: conversing, making people laugh, creative design, being artsy, and being a clean freak. These are all things that can come effortlessly to someone.

A) Why is this important? Going from A ➡️ B with the least path of resistance builds momentum.

B) Momentum Builds Confidence ➡️ Confidence builds consistency to do more of what comes effortlessly to you.

Step 3. Idea Generation: Brainstorm potential business ideas that align with your strengths and passions. Consider how you can leverage your unique abilities to create value for others.

Example: You said you love cleaning and are just naturally a clean freak. Great, you know what someone would want in a clean house, correct? You could potentially build out a team to clean houses or commercial offices in your area off, er your services and have a business running with a start-up cost of less than $150

Landing Page $20

Strip Account $30

Business Cards $40

Skip Trace Houses and Businesses: $50 to get leads.

Step 4: Identify which source of leverage you will want to use.

Labor Leverage: Hire people to help you grow.

Money Leverage: Raise Money to start and grow your venture.

Technology Leverage: You can build technology and sell things on the internet.

Media Leverage: You can create content, be an influencer, and leverage media through multiple channels to get your message out there. Podcast, Social media, etc.

Important note: 2 come with permission, and two don’t.

Money and Labor are older forms of leverage where you have to ask people to work for you and ask banks and other people for Money. This is not bad, but just know you have more constraints than the last 2.

Permission-less: Media and Technology. The Creator Economy is booming! You can create content and get companies to pay you for the content you put out there, and you do not need to report it to anyone. That is powerful

Step 4: Make it simple. Warren Buffet missed out on many technology companies but made a lot of Money by owning Dairy Queen and Geico. Why? Everyone likes ice cream, and everyone needs car insurance.

My whole thesis to entrepreneurship, when you get started, is to add as much value to others in an area that comes effortless to you.

If you can do this, you will make other people’s lives easier and create LTV (Life Time Value).

Step 5. Understand persuasion and selling. What business are you about to start? You will need one thing. You must know the art of selling and persuasion and how to create an offer for your product—a book to learn from.

Never Split the Difference

Step 6: You can sell your way to $1,000,000 in revenue but after that it’s about your product. You will want organic word of mouth to grow your service or product after people have tried it. Be honest with yourself, make sure you have mastered delivering a 10/10 product. Easiest way to find out is give 10 - 15 people your product or service for free to try it with honest reviews.

Step 7: Final step Create your system. When you build, or buy a business after you get it running the goal is to relinquish control. Build an SOP ( System Operating Process) I would read Traction by Gino Wickman. You didn’t sign up for a high paying 80 hour work week. You build something so one day someone can cut you a check for building something scalable. No one wants to buy another job of someone else.

I hope you learned something here and how my process is attainable for anyone. Over the last few years I have invested in 6 companies bought 10 million dollars of real estate. Today I’m 32 and My company SP ventures plans to buy minority and majority stakes in companies where we can create an unfair advantage.

I do coach other entrepreneurs from time to time if I feel they have the potential!

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